Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Are we finally getting used to notches?

Looks like the growing pains are fading away.

Following the iPhone X's release in 2017, almost every Android OEM was in a rush to put a notch on their own phones. This was a pretty big design change compared to what we've been used to for so many years, and as expected, this caused a lot of commotion and irritation among some people.

However, now that it's been well over a year since the notch was popularized, have we grown used to it? Do we still hate it?

Here's what some Android Central forum members have to say.

01-18-2019 10:38 AM

I am fine either way. If it doesn't have one -- cool -- if it does have one -- cool.

01-18-2019 11:38 AM

There is no question that I will prefer a phone with a notch to a phone with large bezels. I remember when I had my Pixel 2 and decided I would go check out the iPhone X and my god, I felt like my Pixel was a phone from 2014. The notch isn't perfect but I will take it any day over thick bezels. I really think Google is being stubborn with their "front firing" speakers obsession. How tiny little...

01-18-2019 12:09 PM

The Pixel notch is the ugliest feature on a cellphone in the history of cellphones. The inclusion of that ugly, HUGE notch, i addition to the landing pad sized nottom bezel, created the ugliest, most ghastly phone of the decade. Good. Riddance.

01-22-2019 10:06 PM

Much as I despise the notch, I'd rather it than hole punches.


What about you? Are you getting used to the notch?

Join the conversation in the forums!

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